Ambitious by Nature

Loud. different. powerful.

learn about the women shaking things up


Macy Burr and Anna Jacobs are both freelance designers in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Married last year, the couple works on design and marketing projects with local restaurants and businesses. Anna has 10 years of design experience and decided in 2017 to pursue freelance after working at Doxa, a brand and communication design firm. Macy recently decided to leave her career in startup companies as a designer to start her own company Soundscape Studio, a business which creates prints that are visual representations of music, and work on freelance designing.


Jeannette Balleza Collins is a consultant and creative at Scribe Marketing and Terrapin Consulting. She has co-founded both Tonic Regional Funds and Grit Studios. She is a mother to two children and was named one of “Arkansas’ 50 Influentials” by Arkansas Times.

Learn how Jeannette was able to become one of Arkansas' leaders of entrepreneurship and a pioneer for small businesses.  

Lauren Savage

Lauren Savage is a senior Aerospace Engineering student at University of Texas in Arlington, as well as a licensed pilot. Two years ago, at the age of 19, Lauren began her internship with American Airlines working in the Interior Engineering Department. She has ensured that the interior of Boeing 777s is flame proof and worked with industry leaders of NASA.


Jane Claire hervey

Jane Hervey is an activist, artist, musician, non-profit founder of BossBabes, and launcher of Group Work Creative, learn about her powerful journey into the multi-faceted person she is today. 


colby paige dowdle

Colby Dowdle is an abstract artist who works full-time as a marketing director. Colby’s paintings feature playful details layered upon swirling textures and affordable price tags, allowing average households to own fantastic artwork.  Back in December of 2017, we met to discuss her journey as an artist and her passion- relieving the stigma surrounding mental illness.

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Kimly Phamvan

Kimly Phamvan is a Product Owner of Analytics for SupplyPike and the small business owner of Willow and Stone. Read her story of taking risks in the hopes of making a difference. 

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Talia Kelly

Talia Kelly is a University of Texas in Dallas Pre-PA student and full-time model. She has been in Mary Kay catalogs, in JC Penny advertisements, but you might also see her at the Dallas Children’s hospital as a medical scribe.

Reagan James

Reagan James was a contestant on the seventh season of The Voice, where she made it to the top twelve, and just recently decided to attend Los Angeles Valley College to begin her studies in Astrophysics.


our mission

Empowering women with the stories of powerful women
